Good Dog Vacation

Good Dog Vacation

Good Dog Vacation – Everyone is looking forward to the summer holidays, but now that it’s time to book those official trips, it can also be a stressful and stressful time for pet owners. A recent study found that 37% of dog owners don’t travel because they don’t want to leave their fur behind. The thought of leaving your fur behind may make you feel sad and guilty, but that doesn’t mean you’re a pet peeve and should stay on vacation and not book a trip.

While many choose to research dog-friendly hotels and plan trips with children in tow, for some families, that’s not the time. Furbabies are prone to irritability, which can be caused by sudden changes in location and long journeys. International travel can be difficult with dogs. So the Pets a Go Go team have shared their top tips for making sure your pet is well looked after while on holiday, so you deserve a worry-free trip.

Good Dog Vacation

Good Dog Vacation

A care plan is required. Before you book your trip, make sure your chosen pet sitter is available when you go. Once this is settled, welcome this person to your home before leaving to learn more about your dog’s daily routine and build trust between your fur and pet. Seeing a familiar face when you’re away helps dogs adjust to not being around. Write a list for your pets that outlines feeding plans, medication restrictions, and a number to call your veterinarian in case of an emergency.

Cute Dog Swimming In A Public Pool — Stock Photo © Graphicphoto #176372424

Invest in pet design technology. Just because you’re away from home doesn’t mean you can’t talk to your pet! There are now many options for indoor cameras designed with pet owners in mind. These cameras not only allow you to see what your pet is doing, but also allow you to communicate with your pet via speakerphone, and some even offer on-demand monitoring!

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Update your dog’s symptoms with a microchip. If you live in a house or a house that is not fenced, there is a chance that your pet will get loose, especially if your dog only listens to your commands. It’s important to make sure your dog’s ID tags are displayed on his collar and the microchip is up to date so the best people know where your furbie is.

“Lights up” your home. Just as you protect your home for a teething dog, you need to do the same for dogs that have been left for a long time, or you may be saddened by your loss. Chewing is a result of separation anxiety, so it’s important to keep anything dangerous out of your child’s reach, so as not to endanger their health and protect your belongings from damage.

Consider walking your dog. One of the surest ways to make sure your dog is safe while you’re away is to leave it in the hands of a professional pet sitter. This allows your dog constant attention from a loving owner and interaction from other playful dogs. Some preschools post new photos on social media so you can see how happy your child is!

Some Of Our Recent Guests Living Their Best Lives In The Poconos! 🐶 #dogfriendly #poconosgetaway #allbreedswelcome

Being a fur parent is a full-time job and you deserve a break. Therefore, a well-thought-out technical plan is important. Pets a Go Go cares for your furries like family. If you’re on vacation this summer, check out our overnight services, including 24-hour care, complete with unlimited play in a castle setting.

Previous articleTop five reasons why petting your dog is so important. The following five dog-friendly summer activities are upon us, and you’ll know what that means…a road trip! If you’re like us, you want to take your dogs for walks.  Last September, we had one of the most amazing trips to Utah with our two children, Newton + Maya. I thought I’d do a little series of blogs (this is part I of II) on our trip and hopefully give you some helpful tips if you’re traveling with your dogs.

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There are 2 main things to consider in Utah: (1) Weather + (2) People.  As a major tourist destination, it gets busy during the warmer months, so be prepared.  Also, Utah gets HAWT in the summer.  It may not be good for you and your children.  We chose to go in mid-September and loved it.  The crowds are still a bit crowded, but not as bad as in June, July or August.  Although it is still warm and hot, it is not the dead heat of summer.  Is October over?  probably.  But we still don’t want it to be too cold, so doing this trip in late September or early October was a good decision.

Good Dog Vacation

So, are you ready to hit the road with your dog?! Maybe you’ve done this before (thank you!), but maybe this is your first long road trip and you’re a little nervous. Here are some tips that I hope will help you prepare. First, make a list of what your dog needs each day…

The Dog Vacation Pet Shampoo Bar, All Natural Pet Soap, Eco Friendly Non Toxic Shampoo Bar –

And everything they can use on a daily basis or they can improve their stay at home.

Then, divide the meals and treats for your dog each day, multiply by the number of days you will be gone, and place them in containers or plastic bags for easier transport. Calculate the number of pills/supplements required per day and multiply by the number of days and put in bags/containers for easy portability. So just gather the water bowl, toys, dog bed, blankets and everything your little one needs and pack the car!

So let’s get down to the good stuff… Where to go in Utah?  Well, it was very difficult for us to choose a place.  If you’ve ever explored Utah, you know it has amazing parks and attractions throughout the state.  You want to see the arches and canyons in Moab to the east, but you want to do Zion National Park and see all the amazing canyons in the Utah desert in the Southeast/Mid-South.  Utah has a lot to offer, and if you’re traveling from both sides of the country, you’ve come a long way, so hit the road and take it all in!  [PS: We didn’t make it to Monument Valley in Arizona, not too far, might add another day or two, but oh well…next time!]

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We decided on a week long trip (5 nights and 6 days to be exact) to see as much as possible. Planning a big trip can be overwhelming, but with a little (really, a lot) of research, planning, anxiety, and motivation, you can do it! And I hope this blog helps you plan. So here’s how we broke it down.

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Since home, Denver, CO is our starting point. It was decided that we wanted to include Moab and Zion in our trip even though they were 4+ hours away and on opposite ends of the state. Working in Zion first made sense because it was the farthest (9.5+ hours from DEN) and on the way back from Zion to Moab, some amazing canyons we wanted to see as well, so that’s the plan. Our weekend trip started in Hurricane, UT, just 35 minutes from Zion. So we spent 2 nights there and started driving to Moab. On our way to Moab, we stopped in Kanab, Utah’s desert, where you’ll find some amazing dog-friendly canyons. The trip also took us to parts of Arizona, including Lake Powell (which looks amazing and is on our list for the next trip). Finally we stopped in Moab where we stayed for the rest of the trip and for a total of 3 nights the drive home was an easy + scenic 5 hour drive. Overall, I think the way we plan will have the most impact on what we do. You may need to adjust, add, remove, and schedule based on where you’re coming from, how much time you have, and what you really want to see. (If you’re short on time, I highly recommend Moab throughout your stay). Here’s a little about the first 2

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